October 2023

It is our pleasure and honor to announce that our colleague was included in 2024 #photonics100 This is evidence that photoncs in Ukraine moves forward in spite of all problems! All our achivements are possible due to awesome Crys-Teh Team!

June 2023

Despite all the difficulties and hardships, we are back at our favourite Laser World of Photonics exhibition and congress in Munich, Germany.
Once again, as in 2022, we are the only representative of Ukraine, the warring but unconquered Ukraine!
We are very happy that despite everything we found the opportunity to represent the country at such a significant forum. In this way, we confirm that Ukraine does not stand aside from global development, but actively participates in it!

Thank you, our friends and partners from the US and Europe helping us to organise our participation and assisted us during the exhibition and congress!

Hope to meet again in 2025!